Futurize Your Enterprise

"Bitcoin ist eine bemerkenswerte kryptographische Leistung,
die Fähigkeit etwas zu erschaffen, das nicht duplizierbar ist,
hat einen enormen Wert."

–Eric Schmidt, ehem. Vorstand Google

Unsere Krypto Dienstleistungen

Bitcoin-Clarity Workshops

Unsere massgeschneiderten Workshops bereiten Unternehmer individuell auf ihrer Entdeckungs-Reise durch die Blockchain-Technologie-Welt vor. Sie sind eine solide Basis für eine andauernde Zusammenarbeit. Die Literatur bietet zum Thema Blockchain einen wahren Tsunami an Informationen und Wissen. Ein guter Überblick oder ein Einordnen des bereits erworbenen Wissens ist zeitraubend. Unternehmer benötigen einen soliden Überblick, um strategische Fragen beantworten und Schwerpunkte setzen zu können. Welche technologischen Aspekte sind für mich relevant, um unternehmerische  Entscheidungen zu treffen? Welche Trends gibt es im Markt? Wie entwickeln sich die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen? Welche Technologie-Fachkompetenz brauche ich im Unternehmen, welche kaufe ich extern ein?

Bitcoin-Technology: Evaluationen

Sie wissen, dass Sie das Internet-des-Geldes für Ihr Unternehmen nutzen wollen – aber noch nicht wie. Mit einer Evaluations-Phase schaffen Sie Klarheit. In dieser Phase stellen wir gemeinsam einen Zusammenhang der verschiedenen Spielfeld-Elemente (Marktanforderungen, Mitbewerber, Regularien, Werkzeuge, etc.) her und setzten diese zu einer Lösung zusammen. Aus der Lösung leiten Sie Grundlagen für unternehmerische Entscheidungen auf strategischer und operativer Ebene ab.

Bitcoin-Technology: Copiloting

Wenn Sie sich entschieden haben, die Implementierung einer Lösung umzusetzen, stehen wir Ihnen mit Copiloting zur Verfügung. Copiloting bedeutet, dass wir in intensiver Kollaboration mit Ihnen gemeinsam die neuen Strukturen schaffen, die Funktionalität implementieren und Ihre Mitarbeiter dabei trainieren,  die neuen Werkzeuge nicht nur zu nutzen, sondern dabei einen tragenden Enthusiasmus zu entwickeln.

Weiterbildung & Networking

Stefan Kübler ist seit 2017 Mitglied der Bitcoin Association Switzerland, ab 2020 Mitglied des Vorstandes und seit 2022 Präsident der BAS.
Er organisiert für die Bitcoin Association Switzerland ehrenamtlich das Regular-Bitcoin-Meet-Up und Industry Insight's Events in Zürich mit Persönlichkeiten aus dem Bitcoin-Ökosystem.

Rethinking Regulation - Bity's fight for justice in ATM regulation

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Alexis Roussel will talk us through risks surrendering to FINMAs soft power bears and explains the purpose of his "David against Goliath" legal battle against FINMA.

Bitcoiner's 2023 lakeside party

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Bitcoiners are gathering for our traditional summer party

Are Bitcoiners better retail customers?

Thursday, August 17, 2023

The purpose of Bitcoin is stated in the White Paper: "Commerce on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on the financial institutions serving as trusted third parties to process electronic payments ..... What is needed is an electronic payment system ..... without a trusted party". Today this vision is a reality! Some people are attracted by the idea of gaining wealth by hodling Bitcoin, some are attracted by the original purpose of Bitcoin. Lando Rothbardian is an early adopter and a core-purpose-contributor to the Bitcoin space. He has started an online-shop in 2018 and proposed his customers to shop in Bitcoin : ShopinBit. The business has grown since to ONE MILLION products available. On his way fostering adoption of Bitcoin Lando had to convince not only retail investors, but also partners along the supply chain in the consumer goods industry. He has exciting insights to talk about. He has also insights to share about the distinguishing characteristics of a Bitcoin and a FIAT-Payment customer. The Title-Question of the talk will be answered. We are welcoming not only Bitcoin enthusiasts but also retailers and people curious about the Bitcoin space.

Bitcoin - road to self custody

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Hacking, phishing, fraud, credential loss, physical coercion are among the risk that underscore the importance of implementing robust security measures for Bitcoiners. Alexandre Poltorak from Neuchâtel is an advocate of Libre Software, cryptography and all technology empowering sovereign individuals and helping preserve the core values of anonymity, privacy, censorship resistance, decentralisation and security. He is a Bitcoin consultant since 2016. He will share his experience as a team member of HODLING.CH a Neuchâtel based company that promotes the attitude - BE YOUR OWN BANK.

Building LN-hardware: Workshop with Ben Arc

Friday, June 23, 2023

>>> Get Ready to Supercharge your Bitcoin skills !!! >>> Exclusive Workshop with Ben Arc in Zurich! >>> Join us for an exhilarating afternoon of hands-on-exploration

VIDEO > Licence to Liberate - Hardware Workshop for Bitcoin Lightning Netzwerk - building "banking hardware" for the Bitcoin-Standard

Friday, June 23, 2023

Ben Arc, founder of LNbits, demonstrates how to build "banking-like-infrastructure-devices" like POS, WALLETS and SWITCHES with general purpose electronic componants for small USD amounts.

LNbits and NOSTR with Ben Arc

Thursday, June 22, 2023

LNbits is an Lightning Wallet- and accounting system. It enables people to seamlessly integrate Lightning Network functionality into their daily operations. Create paywalls, points-of-sales, paylinks, faucets, dice games, jukebox and more. Nostr is an open protocol that enables global, decentralized and censorship-resistant social media with a chance of working. Ben Arc is the founder of LNbits and a great contributor of Nostr. BAS is glad we have him in Zurich and offer the community first hand information about these two exciting projects.

More use cases for Hash Time-locked Contracts (HTLC)

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thomas Taroni, CEO der Phoenix Systems Gruppe, erläutert das Potential von HTLC's

Vortrag "Das FIAT-Geldystem aus der Sicht von Bitcoin" Liberales Institut

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Warum Bitcoin dem FIAT-Geldsystem überlegen ist

Liberales Institut - Das FIAT-Geld-System aus der Sicht von Bitcoin

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Stefan Kübler, Präsident der Bitcoin Association Switzerland, erläutert die Risiken und Nebenwirkungen des FIAT-Geldsystems und die BITCOIN-Exit-Option

Finnews - Bitcoin's Rally Shines Bright Light on Swiss Crypto Scene

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Is the recent BTC rally driven by adoption or by speculation? The mix is yet unknown but there is good reason to believe that adoption is growing!

Evolution of a lightning wallet for business - challenges and learnings

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Crating a Bitcoin Lightning wallet - challenges and learnings - presented by Adrian and Bastian.

Crypto Mountain Rocks Davos Edition 2023 - THE FIAT MONETARY SYSTEM FROM A BITCOIN PERSPECTIVE keynote Stefan Kübler

Monday, March 13, 2023

Great personalities from the Crypto space share their view on current and future view on Crypto/Blockchain technologies

The Thruth behind Bitcoins energy consumption

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Discover the truth behind Bitcoin's energy consumption - get a thought provoking overview on the world of Bitcoin mining and its potential to revolutionise the use of renewables.

UX challenges & solutions for BITCOIN in DeFi

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Paul Puey, co-founder of Edge Wallet gives us insights into the existing challenges and upcoming solutions that could bring DeFi to the masses and prevent the next "contagion" in our industy.

Bitcoin Christmas Meetup - 2022

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Bitcoiners meet bi-weekle downtown Zurich in a Bar for their regular meetup. Once a year we meet for a Christmas gathering to celebrate the season and our great community. Santa always brings something ...


Thursday, November 24, 2022

TARO ist a new Taproot-powered protocol for issuing assets on the bitcoin blockchain that can be transferred over the Lightning Network. Oliver Gugger, Senior Lightning Engineer with Lightning Labs, gives us exciting insights into this development

Annual General Assembly of the Bitcoin Association Switzerland - 2022

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Bitcoin Member only event - Board report to GA - election of Board members - election of President: New President - Stefan Kübler - New initiatives: Bring BAS funds to the LN network - Create "Fachkommission" for Bitcoin-Fachausweis-Dipoloma


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Not your KEYS, not your BITCOINS - David Knezic, Co-Founder of POCKET-BITCOIN, shares his experience and views on the importance of owning bitcoin.

Bitcoin Lakeside Party 2022

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Bitcoin friends are gathering at "Badhüüsli" celebrating the Spirit of Bitcoin. This years special guest: Jasmine@hodltango offers TANGO initiation workshop. Why? See invitation on


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Argentina, once one of the world's wealthiest nations, has a long history of political and economic instability. Our guest Jasmine @hodltango is based in Argentina since 2010. Over the years she experienced the particularities of moving, storing and preserving value in Argentina. Bitcoin appeared as an obvious and urgent solution to her in 2020.

Bitcoin's cosmological perspectives

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Bitcoin exists. What can we infer from this observation about the universe? This talk explores a link between Bitcoin and a seeming contradiction between general relativity and quantum physics known as the BLACK HOLE INFORMATION PARADOX.

Der digitale Euro und die Entnationalisierung des Geldes

Thursday, April 21, 2022

FRANK SCHÄFFLER KOMMT NACH ZÜRICH! Der Sprecher der FDP Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag für FinTech- und Blockchaininnovation erläutert das Spannungsfeld der Hayekianischen Idee von der Entnationalisierung des Geldes und dem geplanten digitalen Euro.

BITCOIN - wie Energieverbrauch Sicherheit schafft!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dem Bitcoin wird gerne vorgeworfen, dass seine Produktion zu viel Energie verbraucht. Bei näherer Betrachtung erweist sich dieser Energieverbrauch jedoch als bester Verbündeter der Nutzer dieses einzigartigen Tauschmittels. Warum das so ist, erklären Raphael und Thomas mit einer Vorführung die Bitcoin - Einsteiger und Techies gleichermassen anspricht.

Bitcoin Meetup Zurich

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Our casual Bitcoin Zurich Meetup is for newcomers and veterans alike. Open discussion, no organised speakers or topics. Feel free to discuss all sorts of blockchain topics.

Bitcoin Christmas Meetup Zurich

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Christmas edition of our casual bi-weekly meetup

Währungswettbewerb: Im Auge des Währungs-Tornados

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Prof. Dr. Gunther Schnabl ist Professor für Wirtschaftspolitik und Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen an der Universität Leipzig und leitet das Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik.In seinem Vortrag erläutert er die Geldpolitik der Zentralbanken, deren Auswirkungen auf die Ausgabenpolitik der Regierungen und auf die Bürger. Er führt in das Konzept des Währungswettbewerbs ein und stellt die besondere Rolle von Bitcoin heraus.

Game Theory: Bitcoin’s nuclear shield - past, present and future

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Game Theory, despite its playful name, was developed primarily for the needs of military strategy - Bitcoin is, by design, firmly grounded in Game Theory. In this talk, Dr. Sabina Sachtachtinskagia will summarise the role of Game Theory in the Bitcoin’s ecosystem revealing exciting insights into the invisible force that coordinates the behaviour of multiple agents, prevents external pressure on Bitcoin and allows the counter-attack.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Here Marko Bencun explained how a team of highly motivated Bitcoin devs are working on a standardised process (BIP 129) to achieve a new State-of-the-Art Set-Up for multisig wallets across different vendors.

BITCOIN verwahren und vererben

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Hier wurde erklärt, wieso es wichtig ist sein Vermögen selbst zu verwahren und welche unnötigen Fehler man dabei vermeiden sollte. Bitcoin gibt einem viel Freiheit, verlangt aber auch viel Selbstverantwortung.

FARCASTER protocol – Atomic swaps between Monero and Bitcoin

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Joël Gugger, Sebastian Küng, and Robert Hambrock from the Farcaster project presented to a broadly privacy concerned audience, how this enables them to break the surveillance chain of their Bitcoin and protect their legitimate privacy interests.

Exciting Insights into BITCOIN's 3rd LAYER Technology ./RGB

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Olga Ukolova and Maxim Orlovsky gave us exciting insights into the core concepts of RGB, the ways it can be used, and how it can benefit existing markets and private individuals.

Switzerland’s New Blockchain Law - Introduction by Luzius Meisser

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Swiss Parliament unanimously passed a number of legal adjustments, which will likely be set into force in 2021. Luzius provides a summary of these adjustments, their background, and what they enable for Switzerland.

Industry Insights - Lightning network with Christian Decker

Monday, November 9, 2020

Christian Decker is not only an enthusiast from the very beginnings of Bitcoin, he is also the World’s first Bitcoin PhD. Christian spoke to us about exciting insights from his work on the LIGHTNING protocol.

Exciting insights about the ZERO-KNOWLEDGE-PROOF REVOLUTION

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Zero-Knowledge Proof techniques is a powerful toolkit in cryptocurrencies. It can protect privacy and enable scalability. Here Alan Szepieniec spoke about exciting insights on ZKP applications in cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin Association Switzerland - Buch- und Autorenvorstellung

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Was hat es mit diesem neuen Phänomen auf sich? Warum vermag Bitcoin so stark zu polarisieren? Wer steckt dahinter? Ist Bitcoin-Blockchain nur eine neue Technologie oder das Werkzeug für eine gesellschaftliche Revolution?

Exciting insights from Bitcoin Core

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Jonas Schnelli, 1 of the 6 maintainers of editing rights to the Bitcoin Core-Code worldwide, gave us exciting insights into the engine room of Bitcoin Core for a better understanding of how the different levels of the code are being maintained.

Exciting insights from the Crypto-Custody Industry

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Here Dr. Lewin Boehnke spoke about state-of-the art technology and procedures in a way that newcomers and experts alike can understand how the Fintech industry tackles the challenges around private-key security.

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